About Us

Company Profile
OXIDANE is mainly in the field of projects & consulting activity. We provide turnkey solutions in the field of Water & Wastewater Treatment along with consulting services towards MoEF, State MoEF & State PCB’s for existing and new establishments (Industrial, Commercial & Residential). Our team consists of experienced technocrats who have been involved in the field of the environment for a decade or so.
At OXIDANE, we undertake consultancy on total environmental management and implement turnkey projects consisting of designing, engineering, manufacturing, installation, and troubleshooting of all types of Water/ Wastewater Treatment and Industrial Waste Treatment. Since our inception, we have been following ethical principles. We have always strived to improvise the quality of our products with consistent industry in-depth analysis, as it is directly proportionate to the satisfaction of our valuable customers. Our commitment to excellence and passion for quality products has shown us the way to growth and prosperity.
Our team consists of experienced technocrats who have been involved in the field of the environment for a decade or so.

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Aliquam suscipit felis a arcu laoreet congue. Habeo nemore appellantur eu usu putant adolescens consequuntur ei, mel tempor consulatu voluptaria.
Luctus nec ullamcorper mattis
Habeo nemore appellantur
Mel tempor consulatu voluptaria
Pulvinar dapibus leo
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